Abby Fessler is a beautiful, giving young woman with an infectious smile.
Abby is also a 3 time cancer survivor
Abby was first diagnosed with leukemia in March of 2012. She was placed on a clinical trial of intense chemotherapy and radiation and underwent the insertion of an Omaya reservoir in her head that made her incredibly, violently ill. After almost a year of enduring treatments that caused her to lose weight, lose her hair, and lose her job, she was deemed in remission on Christmas Eve of 2012.
Abby continued with maintenance chemo and radiation to the brain for several months, then in August of 2013 she found herself in excrutiating back pain and was told the leukemia had returned with a vengenace, this time attacking her central nervous system.
Abby then received a bone marrow transplant, using cells from a stranger on the registry in Germany, that once again put her into remission.
Abby has spent countless hours as an intern, volunteer and patient ambassador for Love Hope Strength.
In Abby’s own words, she finally knew why she had survived cancer twice. To help others find their own matches and have the same shot at life that she had been given.