In memory of Roxane Freedman
1962-2010. Roxane’s family is so thankful for your caring words and prayers in this sad hour. Please join us in embracing the many laughs and fond memories we will take forward: She left us too […]
1962-2010. Roxane’s family is so thankful for your caring words and prayers in this sad hour. Please join us in embracing the many laughs and fond memories we will take forward: She left us too […]
21-29 August 2010. Mt Fuji Rocks was Love Hope Strength’s latest musical journey, to the Japan’s Mount Fuji and the “Land of the Rising Sun”. 40 musicians, cancer survivors and supporters spent the year raising […]
On Saturday August 14th 2010, Mike Peters, the internationally acclaimed singer of Welsh rock and roll band The Alarm will once again host ‘Rhondda Rocks’ for a second successive year running. […]
The main event of the Love Hope Strength UK year is the Snowdon Rocks event. Now in its 4th year and bigger than ever. On Saturday August 7th 2010, Mike Peters, the internationally acclaimed singer […]
Musicians, cancer survivors and supporters came together to hike America’s Mountain, Pikes Peak, including Miles Zuniga from Fastball, Nathan Croswhite, John Common and Blinding Flashes of Light, and a special performance by Chris Carrabba of […]
Radio stations across America appreciated Danielia’s unique rock talent. After Danielia released her debut album Small White Town in 2005, WXPN/Philadelphia and home of the nationally syndicated World Café named her “Artist to Watch”, slotted the album’s soulful single “It’s Only Life” into heavy rotation,and featured her on their HDNetwork broadcast of On Stage at World Café Live. […]
Love Hope Strength Foundation © 2020