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The 2017 Love Hope Strength Foundation at Lollapalooza
Ambassador Program
(subject to updates)
The Love Hope Strength Foundation at Lollapalooza Ambassador Program
Lollapalooza is committed to supporting organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for generations to come. For the third year at Lollapalooza, Love Hope Strength Foundation (LHSF) is providing Ambassadors at the Festival to promote its mission. Read this program overview and sign up to apply as an Ambassador for the LHSF team at the Festival.
The LHSF Mission: Saving Lives, One Concert at a Time
LHSF is the world’s leading rock and roll cancer foundation. LHSF turns concerts into lifesaving events by signing up people to become potential marrow donors through the GET ON THE LIST (GOTL) campaign. At the Festival’s LHSF booths, patrons will fill out a form and do a quick cheek swab to be a possible match for someone fighting a blood cancer in need of a life-saving transplant. Learn more about Love Hope Strength Foundation’s mission here.
Saving Lives in Real Numbers
Through the GOTL campaign at all LHSF donor drives, the Foundation can track where matches originate: a real, measurable statistic tied to an event.
Lollapalooza ranks in the top four festivals in the country for the number of potentially life-saving matches where LHSF has had a presence with 69 to date.
LHSF Ambassadors will help spread awareness of the cause with the goal of increasing registration.
The LHSF at Lollapalooza Ambassador Role
- Spend about 4 hours interacting with fans on teams focused on patron services and eco-initiatives: help fill water bottles, greet Festival goers at venue entrances and box office, motivate environmentally friendly acts through the Rock & Recycle Program, and more. The Ambassador teams enhance the Festival experience for all fans while promoting the Love Hope Strength Foundation mission.
- As a thank you to Ambassadors for supporting the Love Hope Strength Foundation mission, spend the rest of the day enjoying the Festival.
- All LHSF Ambassador roles benefit the Love Hope Strength Foundation to help save lives, one concert at a time.
Note: All Ambassadors for Love Hope Strength Foundation at Lollapalooza must comply with these policies in their role representing LHSF.
- Ambassador applicants will be automatically enrolled in the Love Hope Strength Foundation mailing list to receive updates from the organization.
- Ambassadors must be at least 18 years old as of July 31, 2017.
- Ambassador roles include no monetary compensation.
- Ambassadors at Lollapalooza must reside in the Chicago metropolitan area.
- All Ambassadors must supply their own transportation to the event.
- An Ambassador must complete the assignment in a satisfactory manner (i.e., reporting on time for all shifts, staying the entire shift, wearing assigned Ambassador Identification during shifts, and respecting other Ambassadors, staff, performers, and patrons of the Festival).
- Use of alcohol or controlled substances before or while on duty is strictly prohibited. No exceptions. Violators will be subject to immediate dismissal from the Ambassador Program. Smoking on shift is also prohibited.
- Missing assigned shifts (or not completing a shift) will jeopardize participation as an Ambassador in the future. Note: every selected Ambassador will be given a chance to decline their assignment prior to the event.
- All Ambassadors must wear the Love Hope Strength Foundation Ambassador t-shirt while on shift during the Festival.
- All Ambassadors understand that they are representatives of Love Hope Strength Foundation and must abide by all rules and regulations outlined by the host venue while supporting the Foundation.
- Ambassadors will be asked to be personable, complete a task assigned by a Foundation representative, and promote the marrow registration initiative GET ON THE LIST taking place in two LHSF booths at the Festival.
- Ambassadors must sign a release prior to reporting in for their first shift.
- Event is rain or shine.
- Failure to perform duties as expected/required may result in dismissal from the Ambassador program.
All Ambassadors earn free entry into the Festival by completing an assigned shift! Ambassadors receive a unique Ambassador t-shirt to wear while on shift and to keep as a memento of their contribution to Love Hope Strength Foundation. There will be other perks just for LHSF Ambassadors, such as refreshments, snacks, special LHSF swag, and more.
- Availability: Ambassadors who are available for a shift each day of a Festival weekend (all four days) will be selected first. A typical shift is about 4 hours each day during the Festival show days: Aug 3 to Aug 6, 2017.
- Shift Times: Love Hope Strength Foundation selects Ambassadors who are flexible with their schedule and can work shifts at various times each day (each team usually has a morning, afternoon, and evening shift). Most Ambassadors will be assigned an evening shift on at least one day of their schedule.
Positions are front-of-house roles. There are no backstage, VIP, medical, or production positions for Ambassadors. Applicants should sign up for more than one team, but Ambassadors are usually assigned to one team throughout the weekend. Some teams have special requirements.
AMBASSADOR TEAMS (scroll down for team descriptions)
- Ambassador Headquarters
- Greeter/Box Office
- Filling Station
- Kidzapalooza
- Media Assistant
- Experience
- Rock & Recycle
- Back Up Team
Within each Ambassador team, all team members will act as Ambassadors to help spread awareness of the cause and increase registration. All Ambassadors understand that they are representatives of Love Hope Strength Foundation and must abide by all rules and regulations outlined by the host venue while supporting LHSF. All Ambassadors are expected to complete the tasks assigned to them by a LHSF representative. Team members must also be able to direct patrons to the Love Hope Strength Foundation booths and promote the GET ON THE LIST campaign.
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[tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Ambassador Headquarters”]
Ambassador HQ is the heart of the LHSF Ambassador program! As an Ambassador registrar, the goal is to greet Ambassadors, check id’s, and use an online program to verify that each Ambassador has checked in for their shift and add any brief notes, as needed. The goal is to accurately register Ambassadors and quickly get them checked in and on their way!
Other duties include t-shirt distribution, answering general questions, keeping the HQ area clean and organized, replenishing supplies, helping promote the GET ON THE LIST campaign, etc. There could be some light lifting.
We need outgoing candidates who are friendly and welcoming to all Ambassadors and, because of registration duties, must also be detail-oriented, can quickly learn the online registration process, remain professional, and can focus on the task at hand. Must exude a positive spirit to help welcome, interact with, and motivate all Ambassadors—both about their team role and acting as advocates for the GET ON THE LIST campaign.
[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Greeter/Box Office Team”]
The greeter/box office team is stationed at and near Festival entrances, box office, or at ticketing help desks. Team members greet guests, answer questions, provide direction, give updated Festival information, help direct patrons to the correct lines at the box office, and ensure that lines move quickly and smoothly. Team members must be professional, outgoing and friendly, with strong customer service skills in order to interact with patrons from all over the world. This team also needs to be able to quickly adjust to changes and help identify problem areas.
Fans have many questions as they enter the Festival, so this team needs to study the Festival FAQs, have a good sense of direction, and quickly learn and communicate any breaking information. Team members must be friendly, enthusiastic, and helpful while interacting with fans from all over the country. A plus is being familiar with nearby Chicago landmarks, streets, public transportation systems, etc. It is imperative that all individuals in this position be capable of answering general questions about LHSF’s mission as well as providing clear directions to the location of the LHSF booth.
[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Filling Station Team”]
Water stations made their debut in 2010 and were a huge hit. In tented water stations throughout the park, Ambassadors will help serve patrons free, filtered, cool water from special spigots. These stations are a huge step in helping green the Festival. Fans love the water stations, especially on a hot Chicago day, and are enthusiastic and grateful. Several of the water stations are near stages, too, so it might be possible to hear music during the shift!
[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Kidzapalooza Team”]
The Festival is family-friendly and Kidzapalooza is an area dedicated to the Festival’s youngest fans. This team helps set up the area and assist with various activities as directed. Team members will also answer general questions regarding the Kidzapalooza area in a friendly, positive, and professional manner.
Ambassadors for this team must have relevant professional job experience (ex: elementary school teachers, pediatric nurse) and/or an education degree or major focusing on childhood education.
The team is small, and we receive a lot of interest for this team. Be sure to sign up for other teams as well.
[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Media Assistant Team”]
This team will help run the media check-in tent and complete other duties as assigned. The media tent is a lively, shaded area full of media representatives from across the country and the world, from local newspapers to music magazines to television crews. Ambassadors will help organize a Media/Press guest services area, answer questions, and complete tasks as assigned. Must be professional, friendly, helpful, and organized.
Because this team might deal with members of the Press and all Media Assistant team members will be wearing an Ambassador shirt clearly identifying them as Love Hope Strength Ambassadors, members of the Media Assistant team must be able to respond to any inquiries about the GET ON THE LIST campaign in a professional manner and relay information about Love Hope Strength and GOTL clearly and accurately. All team members will be expected to explain the nature of the GOTL program and how and where to register to become a potential marrow donor.
This is a special team requiring the highest caliber of Ambassadors to represent both LHSF and the Festival and is especially suited to journalism or public relations majors. The Media Assistant team is small and we receive a lot of interest for this team. Be sure to sign up for other teams as well. Must be able to answer questions about LHSF’s mission and presence at the Festival.
[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Experience Team”]
Ambassadors will be stationed at specialty Festival activations located throughout the Festival Grounds. This team will encourage patrons to participate in specific activations. Activations may include game management and equipment distribution at the Da Beers craft beer area and helping take photos for fans and managing lines at the Lolla Photo Frame.
Team members must be professional, outgoing and friendly, with strong customer service skills to interact with patrons from all over the world.
[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Rock & Recycle Team”]
This team encourages patrons to participate in the Rock & Recycle Program, which allows fans to earn free Festival swag by collecting recyclables. Ambassadors will be assigned to one of four Rock & Recycle Centers handing out special bags for patrons to fill with designated recyclables (cans, bottles, and cups). Patrons who return filled bags will earn a free collectible t-shirt and a chance to win special prizes. Since the program’s introduction in 2005, Rock & Recycle has grown to be a hugely successful program.
Rock & Recycle Ambassadors take filled bags, tie them off, and place them in a designated area next to the booth, so light lifting is required.
Some mobile team members will help spread news about the Rock & Recycle Program by roaming the crowds in teams of two with a tall sign, promoting the Rock & Recycle Program or answering general questions about the Festival’s greening initiatives. This team will enthusiastically direct fans to any of the Rock & Recycle Centers and quickly explain how collecting and turning in a bag of recyclables can earn cool rewards.
[/tm_pb_accordion_item][tm_pb_accordion_item title=”Back Up Team”]
The backup team is the “go to” crew, stationed in Ambassador HQ. Throughout the Festival, this team helps wherever needed to ensure a positive patron experience and fill in on any of the other Ambassador teams: from filling water containers at the Filling Stations to assisting at the Rock & Recycle booths to welcoming patrons or managing lines on the Greeters/Box Office team—this team does it all! Requires a friendly, positive attitude and a willingness to help wherever needed. Could require light lifting. It is imperative that all individuals in these positions be capable of answering general questions about LHSF’s mission as well as providing clear directions to the location of the LHSF booth.
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- Sign in or create a username and password here: Ambassador Application. Previous Lollapalooza applicants can update contact info, sign up for teams/shifts, etc., by visiting the link above. If you’ve forgotten your username or password, follow the application instructions–Do Not create a new record!
- Fill out the “Contact Information” and “Additional Info” sections.
- Sign up for teams and shifts in the “Opportunities” tab and SAVE. Ambassador applicants better their chances of selection by being available for a variety of teams and shift times. LHSF Ambassador recruiters will assign teams and shifts based on an applicant’s preferences and availability—and by evaluating the entire application to find the best fit for Ambassador teams. Flexibility is appreciated!
The Selection Process
Recruiters will review all applications and identify and assign the best candidates for available teams. If you are selected, you will receive an email with instructions on how to confirm your assignments. All assigned Ambassadors will be required to sign a release prior to their first shift.
Not everyone who applies will be selected as an Ambassador. If you haven’t heard from us by the week before the Festival, it’s unlikely you will be placed.
Questions: Email [email protected] for further information.
Thanks for your interest and support of Love Hope Strength Foundation!